The project “Mainstreaming Agrobiodiversity Conservation and Utilization in Agricultural Sector to Ensure Ecosystem Services and Reduce Vulnerability” is being implemented to develop local community-based approaches, together with necessary improved institutional frameworks at national, regional and local levels to ensure enhanced agricultural biodiversity conservation and use, providing better adaptability and resilience to changing climate and enhanced farmer livelihoods. It will also improve agricultural support systems (research, outreach, extension and market links) for mainstreaming agricultural biodiversity and development in the capacity of national extension and research agencies to undertake work that secures the role of agricultural biodiversity in improving livelihoods and household food and nutrition security. The methodologies and experiences of the project will be valuable internationally and the diversity secured of global significance. The GEF Trust Fund is supporting the project with USD 3.05 million for five years in grant while the implementing executing partners (UN Environment, Bioversity International, Indian Council of Agricultural Research) and project implementing partners are providing additional USD 10.29 million in co-financing (cash as well as in-kind).
The project has established a National Project Steering Committee (NPSC) consisting of representatives of the partner institutions and is responsible for taking policy decisions about the implementation of the project. A Project Management Unit (PMU) has been established at Bioversity International-India Office and consist of a Project Director (PD), National Project Coordinator (NPC), Project Assistant and thematic consultants. The execution of the project at site level is being supported by local staff of the project partners, and is being coordinated through the establishment of Site Coordination Units (SCUs). Project activities, outputs and outcomes are aligned across its three components viz., Adaptive management of crop diversity for resilient agriculture and improved livelihoods; Strategies and policies for sustainable conservation and use of crop diversity including access and benefit sharing; and Improved agricultural support systems, institutional frameworks and partnerships that support crop diversity on farm.